The SIMS Loader application can be used to create and update the accounts on the Stalker Internet Mail Server (SIMS).
The application uses input text file(s) to update the account information.
A text file should contain one header line and data lines.
The header line contains the attribute names, separated with the TAB symbols.
Data lines contain attribute values separated with the TAB symbol.
The following attributes are supported:
UserName or
Account - a text field with the account name;
FullName or
RealName - a text field with the real-life user name;
Password - a text field with the account password;
AccountEnabled - a boolean field;
LoginEnabled - a boolean field;
SizeLimit - a numeric field (the account storage size in KBytes, -1 or 0 if no limit)
APOPrequired - a boolean field;
All attribute names are case-insensitive.
Sample SIMS Loader input text file:
UserName Password APOPrequired SizeLimit
User01 abcdef true 200
User02 ssssszzz true -1
User04 klj78#4 false 500
If the header line contains an unknown name, all fields in that column are ignored.
If some account attribute is not specified in the input file, that attribute is not changed for the existing SIMS accounts, and the newly created accounts get the default value of that attribute. The UserName attributes must be specified in the input file.
If the Password attribute value starts with the $01 code (as used with MailShare Loader when exporting the passwords from MailShare/AIMS/EIMS), this attribute value is ignored.
Revision History
The revision history is maintained on the Stalker SIMS site: